Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Testimony of the Manifest Keeper.

A Call for Sanity.

Recently terrible rumors undermining the integrity of Kindee Edlinastara have reached even to my quiet hermitage in Salty Canyon. As a rule I do not concern myself with idle talk or gossip, but it this case I am moved to respond to these accusations because I have reason to suspect an accusation of treason is gathering around this respectable young woman, which could have very real and likely tragic consequences. There is much confusion that has settled around last year's attempted mission to sack Star's Reach focused on the issue of the loss of the repeating rifles our House of Compression so graciously donated in support of the expedition. Rifles which Kindee was tasked with, let us be completely clear on this point, preventing from falling into the hands of enemies, be they from Star's Reach or part of the feuding alliance which attempted the mission.

So I wade into this conversation with utmost seriousness, completely open in my intention to defend the good lady, but also swearing fairness and honesty in my account of the history of this event. I walked all the way to the abandoned City of Dead Tracks, where the journey came to an abrupt halt. As the Manifest Keeper on the mission I was privy to many details of the trip that the young soldiers spreading rumors these days were ignorant of. As a function of that duty I kept detailed journal of the whole journey, which being in the Crowmedian Societies secrete short hand I cannot easily publish in completeness, but which I have made available for reference through the Assayers Society House for those who want to check the consistency of my account.

Though a recluse, my assays of material from the old world have been valued above all others for more than a generation not only because of my skillfulness in observation and thoroughness in study, but mostly because of my deep practice of honesty. So before you listen to any slander of these accounts, I challenge you to find one example of me lying to anybody in living memory, for I know for a fact that any true examples must be older than my first beard, though I am not naive enough to doubt that examples may be fabricated on account of the terrible corruption driving this entire vile business.

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